Nioh 2 is an action role-playing game developed by Team Ninja and Kou Shibusawa. Both prequel and sequel to Nioh, the game was released for the PlayStation 4 on March 13, 2020, where it was published...
History has always played a pivotal role in the Assassin’s Creed series. It serves as both inspiration and backdrop – a resource for dramatic events, supporting characters, and villains. Rogue is slig...
In a violent, medieval world, outplay rival gangs in intense PvPvE multiplayer heists. Moving in stealth to steal treasures unseen or dominating through loud and brutal combat, only the best will esca...
Biomutant has branching storylines where decisions made by the player will decide how the story will continue. The main plot revolves around the "Tree of Life", which is struck by a natural disaster a...
Capcom first considered remaking Resident Evil 2 following the release of the remake of the first Resident Evil in 2002, but was delayed as series creator Shinji Mikami did not want to divert developm...
Game | Platform | Rating | Dates |
Resident Evil 8 | 3.5 | May 07 2021 | |
Grand Theft Auto VI | 4.9 | Nov 28 2021 | |
Assassins Creed: Valhalla | 4.4 | Oct 11 2020 | |
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 | 4.7 | Jun 04 2021 | |
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Quarantine | 4.9 | Aug 12 2021 | |
ninja gaiden | 4.1 | Jun 10 2021 | |
God of War: Ragnarok | 4.4 | Dec 12 2021 | |
BIOMUTANT | 4.8 | May 25 2021 |
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